2019 Conference Presentations

Opening Keynote 2019 Conference: James Renwick on climate change

Remind yourself of the sessions you attended or find out more about the sessions you missed. Where permission has been granted, presentation slides for the 2019 conference are now available to download as PDFs from the links below.

Day 1: 20 June 2019

Conference opening address: Government Statistician Liz McPherson (in place of Minister James Shaw), and PANZ President Rosemary Goodyear

Keynote 1: James Renwick, (Professor and Head of School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington)
Climate change and implications for human populations

Keynote 2: Haydn Read (Managing Director – Infrastructuralist, The Consortia)
For many, population ‘equals’ demand…

Concurrent Sessions

1a. Special session: Gender identity, Sex and Sexual Orientation
Jack Byrne, Jaime Veale and Kyle Tan
Counting the population of transgender people in Aotearoa: Using evidence from a large transgender health survey to inform population measurement

Micah Davison and Rosemary Goodyear

Sex, gender and sexual orientation in Stats NZ household surveys

1b. Ageing
Jeroen Spijker, Daniel Devolder and Pilar Zueras
The changing balance between formal and informal old-age care in Spain. Results from a mixed micro simulation-agent-based model

Heather McLeod and June Atkinson
The price of a successful health system? Changing trajectories at the end of life

Olivia Healey and Daniel Exeter
Creating a census based measure of socioeconomic position for the 65+ population in New Zealand

1c. Health
Samuel Murray
Disability data on wellbeing and socioeconomic outcomes; what we currently know and the future challenges

Bo Ning, Ivan Yeo and Kelly Feng
Wellington Chinese Psychological Health Survey 2018: An analytical report

Zhi-ling (Jim) Zhang and Sylvia Yan
Population characteristics and hospitalisations in New Zealand 2014 to 2018

1d. Diversity I
Shriya Bhagwat-Chitale and Camille Nakhid
Asian MSM health outcomes and HIV testing in Aotearoa New Zealand

Lars Brabyn and Natalie Jackson
Visualising and working with population diversity

1e. Demographic Methods
Natalie Jackson
Applied Demography and its awesome ability to throw light on pressing issues

Glenn Capuano
ID’s work with the Australian and New Zealand Censuses – a Trans-Tasman experience

Peta Darby
Coverage and quality of administrative data sources in Australia

2a. Diversity II
Francis Collins
Migration, diversity management and social stratification in Aotearoa

Michael Cameron
Dimensions of past and future ethnic diversity in New Zealand and its regions

Arama Rata and Faisal Al-Asaad
Whanaungatanga as an alternative to state managed multiculturalism

Jessica Terruhn and Trudie Cain
Diversity as a selling point in urban development projects in Auckland

Robin Peace and Geoff Stone
Understanding institutional capacity to respond to diversity

2b. Housing I
Fiona Cram, Mariana Churchward, Elsie Ho, Bev James, Robin Kearns, Laura Bates and Tara Coleman
Life when Renting in Aotearoa New Zealand: Enabling older people’s independence in the tenure revolution

2c. Wellbeing
Harini Dissanayake, Holly Trowland and Paul Bracewell
A dynamic assessment of New Zealand education and skill growth

Pascarn Dickinson
Does local population context matter for our wellbeing?

Simon Brown and Steven Johnston
Multi-dimensional wellbeing in the New Zealand Population

Dave Grimmond
What does the 2018 Quality of Life Survey tell us about us?

2d. Fertility
Phil Morrison
Fertility decline, the child deficit and the changing value of children in Asia

Nick Parr
Replacement with a Total Fertility Rate Below 2.1: Fertility Level and Long Run Population Growth Prospects in 22 Countries with Net Immigration

Bryndl Hohmann-Marriot
Fertility and Contraceptive Use in NZ

Rebekah Hennessey and Lisa Sands
Parenting and fertility: Trends over time based on registration data

2e. Geospatial
Reender Buikema
Cartographic techniques for utilising the geography of statistical data

Karl Majorhazi
Spatial techniques for disaggregating published statistics

Shaun Copley
Commuting Distance for Australia

Daniel Barnett and Andrew Sporle
Interactive Web Tools to Examine the Sensitivity of Age-Adjusted Rates and Electoral Allocation to Census Undercount

3a. Migration
Martin Skeggs
Measuring International Migration – continual improvements in the Australian context

Kim Dunstan
Measuring New Zealand’s external migration: From precisely wrong to approximately correct

Denise Carlton
Crossing the ditch – New Zealanders in Australia

3b. Diversity III
Mai Chen
Impact of super-diversity on NZ’s Health and safety and legal system

Tze Ming Mok
What kind of Whitening? Predictors of ethnic group change for Mixed people in the United Kingdom

Conal Smith, Atawhai Tibble and Luisa Beltran-Castillon
Nga Tamariki o Te Kupenga – Diversity of Maori students

3c. Regional NZ and Ageing
Nick Chester
Hamilton’s Age Friendly Plan 2018-2022

Robert Didham
Population ageing and diversity

Andrew Sporle, Daniel Barnett
Making population statistics usable by non-statisticians – a novel tool for reducing the skill barriers to using population statistics

3d. Housing II
Emma Campbell, Holly Trowland and Paul Bracewell
A Small Area Assessment of New Zealand Housing

Alan Bentley
Home ownership in New Zealand: Trends over time and generations

Yukiko Kuboshima
Constructing the design framework for housing that improves the quality of life of the high-needs elderly

Toni Kennerley and Tom Simonson
Local Government Social Housing in New Zealand

3e. Gender and Homelessness
Taylor Winter
Using overseas surveys to produce reliable small population statistics in Aotearoa

Brodie Fraser
“That’s what keeps me healthy and safe these days”: LGBTIQ+ homelessness and the realisation of boundaries

Jenny Ombler
The Housing First research programme

John Pritchard and Olivia Miller
‘If you don’t have a home you don’t know who you are’ – the role of Hutt City Council and partners in preventing homelessness

Plenary Panel and Discussion: ‘Understanding New Zealand’s Diverse Population in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges’
Natalie Jackson
Natalie Jackson Demographics Ltd. (presentation available here)

Francis Collins
Director, National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (NIDEA)

Tze Ming Mok
Writer and Te Pūnaha Matatini Associate Investigator

Day 1: 20 June 2019

PANZ Presidential Speech – Rosemary Goodyear, PANZ President

Data Stewardship – Liz McPherson, CGDS/GS

Newell Prize for best poster: Winner, Moana Rarere

People’s Choice award for best poster: Winner, Moana Rarere

Stats NZ Jacoby Prize for best essay: Winner, Jesse Whitehead

Keynote 3: Ruth De Souza (Academic Convenor of The Data, Systems and Society Research Network (DSSRN) and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne)
‘Webs and mosaics: What do digital worlds mean for ethnic populations in health?’

Keynote 4: Maggie Walter (Pro Vice-Chancellor Aboriginal Research and Leadership, University of Tasmania)
‘Reinventing how indigenous data are done in the age of big data and open data’

Concurrent sessions

4a. Migration and Geospatial
Bridget Snodgrass and Kirsten Nissen
People move out of Auckland, where do they go? Estimating internal migration using linked administrative data

Sally Clement
Where does the city stop and the bush begin?

James Raymer
Evaluating the availability and consistency of annual migration flow data amongst ASEAN countries, 2000-2015

Edward Griffin
Migration Data Explorer: information at your fingertips

4b. Homelessness
Maddie White
Service usage by a New Zealand Housing First cohort prior to being housed
Claire Aspinall
Unpacking the terminology “Complex Unmet Need”

Carole McMinn
A Housing First Response to Homelessness in Hamilton

Polly Atatoa Carr
Who was housed first? Early demographic analysis of the Housing First Population in The Peoples Project, Hamilton

4c. Inequality and Wellbeing
Adam Ward, Jenny Stevenson and Paul Bracewell
Constructing a Summary Measure of Income Mobility from Transition Matrices

Tamsyn Hilder, Paul Bracewell and Jordan Wilson
Quantifying the Association between the Sentiment of Regions and Socio-economic Status

Duncan McCann and Stephen Youngblood
Understanding the wellbeing of New Zealand’s children

Wesley Bachur
The Southern Way: a journey beyond “delivering health services for former refugees”

4d. Administrative Data
Sini Miller, Christine Bycroft and Robert Didham
Using the parent-child link in the IDI to derive ‘number of children born’

Ross Watmuff
Using admin data to improve occupancy determination and imputation in the Australian Census

Laura Cleary
The Health Service Utilisation population: deriving population estimates using health data

Susmita Das and Kirsten Nissen
Investigating the potential for administrative data to provide birthplace and year and month of arrival/years since arrival in New Zealand information

4e. Māori
Kate Prickett, Tahu Kukutai, Polly Atatoa Carr and Arama Rata
Family structure and stability and child development during early childhood among tamariki Māori

Rajas Kulkarni
Creating an iwi specific Index of Multiple Deprivation of Ngai Tahu iwi to measure against health and other outcomes

Tahu Kukutai and Arama Rata
Attitudes towards Māori culture and multiculturalism in the NZ General Social Survey

Isaac Morunga, Daniel Barnett and Andrew Sporle
Accuracy of previously published Maori population projections

Special Plenary Stats NZ and Census session
Keynote 5: Ian Cope
‘Where next for population and dwelling censuses’

Stephanie Prosser, Stats NZ
‘How the new 2018 collection model worked in practice’

Christine Bycroft, Stats NZ
‘Methods developed for using administrative data to count those missed by census collection’

Digby Carter, Stats NZ
‘Quality information for census variables: where information for census variables comes from, and associated quality measures’