Download every presentation from NZPopCon 2023: Population futures in an uncertain world: The changing faces of Aotearoa New Zealand, held 29 and 30 August 2023.
Click on a session title to a download a zip file of all the presentations available for that session. See the full programme here.
Keynote sessions
Day 1: Population beyond the pandemic
Collin Tukuitonga (Associate Dean Pacific and Associate Professor of Public Health at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland)
Sarah-Jane Paine (Associate Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Te Kupenga Hauora Māori, University of Auckland and Growing Up in New Zealand Research Director)
Day 2: Inequality and Climate Change
Celia McMichael (Associate Professor, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne)
Ganesh Nana (Chair, New Zealand Productivity Commission)
1a. Climate Change & Covid
Asian communities’ well- being in Aotearoa during COVID-19: Mitigating role of sense of belonging in the relationship between racism and life satisfaction, Lynne Park and Rebekah Jaung
The impact of COVID-19 on the geography of internal migration in Australia: Estimates from novel data, Elin Charles-Edwards
Linking people and climate: Extreme events climate index for Aotearoa for Stats NZ geographies and iwi rohe, Heather McLeod
Social vulnerability indicators for natural hazards and other emergencies in Aotearoa, Kylie Mason
1b. Māori and Indigenous Populations
Te Whata – a population data tool for iwi deliberation, sustenance, and wellbeing. Pip Bennett
He Raraunga Hāpori: Building an evidence base of wellbeing for Māori communities. Moana Rarere and Jesse Whitehead
Understanding the connection between Māori and te taiao, and how this relates to the urban environment. Kayla Manuirirangi
Outcomes for Māori participants in Housing First. Jenny Ambler
1c. Population Health
Disaggregated level child morbidity in Zambia: Application of small area estimation method. Audrey Kalindi
Health disparity between migrants and natives and its contributing factors: Evidence from a 21- year longitudinal survey in Australia. Guogui Huang
Cardiovascular health profile of Filipinos living in New Zealand: A cross-sectional survey. Eliazar Dimalapang
Inequalities in life-years lost and unhealthy years attributable to air particulate matter in Asia-Pacific region. Pattheera (Paire) Somboonsin
1d. Gender & Identity
Growing Up in New Zealand: Ethnic and gender identity at age 12 years. Polly Atatoa-Carr
The influence of interpersonal communications on the use of contraceptives in Indonesia. Syauqy Lukman
Intersections of public and private domains: Women’s empowerment typologies from Demographic and Health Surveys, 2010–2021. Jolene Tan
The effect of mass media exposures on early marriage: Study on ever- married Indonesian women 1976-2017. Syauqy Lukman
2a. Rural & Urban Populations
Comparison of the sociodemographic composition of rural and urban Aotearoa: Insights from applying the geographic classification for health to Census 2018. Jesse Whitehead
An exploratory analysis of cultural distance between regions of New Zealand. Michael Cameron
Defining rurality: Evaluating the options for the development of a new regional-rural admission scheme for professional medical programmes at the University of Auckland. Jessie Colbert and Daniel J Exeter
Rethinking Urban Spaces – A Temporal Approach to Densification and Climate Change. Robert Cunningham
2b. Population Health & Ageing
Population projections, structural ageing, and the implications for youth services in New Zealand. Holly Trowland
The long-term effect of schooling on excess body weight and diabetes. Lilipramawanty K. Liwin
Patterns of service utilisation and future demand of critical care in New Zealand public hospitals. Zhi-ling (Jim) Zhang
Change in the food environment and measured adiposity in adulthood in the Christchurch Health and Development birth cohort, Aotearoa: A cohort study. Bingyu (Susie) Deng
2c. Methodologies
Multivariate Bayesian hierarchical models with copulas-based assumptions on spatial effect. Mu Li and Bernard Baffour
Collective dynamics of wealth: Toward a network theory of family changes. Shao-Tzu Yu
A review of forecasting models for internal migration: the case of Australia. Charles Siriban and Aude Bernard
Changes in the pattern of contraceptive use in Australia. Edith Gray
2d. Migration & Labour Force
Economic reintegration of return migrants: Case of temporary labour migration programmes for Timor-Leste. Iriana Freitas De Jesus Ximenes
Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme: The discourses of paternalism, managerialism and racialisation. Ritu Parna Roy and Evalesi Tu’inukuafe
Multi-scalar spatial integration of overseas- born immigrants in Australia. Mengxue Chen
Plenary panel and discussion: Indigenous Data Sovereignty (presentations not available)
Kirikowhai Mikaere, Founder & Managing Director, Te Wehi – Development by Design
Donna Cormack, Associate Professor, Te Kupenga Hauora Māori, University of Auckland
Sam Manuela, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland; Pacific Data Sovereignty Committee member
Chair: Tahu Kukutai (Co-Director of Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga and Professor of Demography at Te Ngira, University of Waikato)
3a. Census & Admin data
The experimental administrative population census. Ivan Welsh
The quality of administrative data for census variables. Hannes Diener
Future Census/Transformation Update. Michael Berry
Adaptive design for the 2023 Census coverage methodology. Nikolai Kondratev
Harmonising ethnicity from multiple sources using latent class analysis. Christine Bycroft
3b. Mortality & Life Expectancy
Forecasting age distribution of life-table death counts via alpha- transformation. Han Lin Shang
Monthly mortality estimates for Aotearoa New Zealand. John Bryant
Mortality regime in five high-income English-speaking countries: period and cohort prospective. Sergey Timonin and Vladimir Canudas-Romo
Longevity à la mode. Paola Vazquez Castillo
Life expectancy decomposition: A perspective of numerators and denominators. Wen Su
3c. Māori & Indigenous Populations
Pacific housing: people, place and wellbeing. Rosemary Goodyear, Ofa Ketu’u and Robert Didham
Factors Associated with Disparities Experienced by Tamariki Māori in the Care and Protection System. Steve Murray
Ethnic-specific analyses of factors impacting longitudinal response patterns in the Growing Up in New Zealand birth cohort study. Esther Yao
Te Matapaeroa – Measuring Māori business insights. Rajas Kulkarni and Tze Ming Mok
Revisiting Te Kupenga: A national survey on Māori wellbeing. Manawa Huirama
3d. Housing & Education
Housing condition and occupant wellbeing. Vicki White and Suzanne Jones
Improving the accessibility and useability of housing data to inform Māori-led housing solutions. Miranda Devlin
Fifth year outcomes for a Housing First cohort. Jenny Ombler
Higher education mobility made by global south students to Australia and New Zealand: A systematic literature review. Yunying Liang
Forecasting school enrolments in the Australian Capital Territory. Tianyu Shen
4a. Migration
When does a temporary move become permanent?. Ying Wang and Aude Bernard
Patterns and determinants of regional settlement among humanitarian migrants in Australia: Insights from longitudinal administrative data. Cho Yat Wong and Aude Bernard
Intermediation of New Zealand temporary migration: The many- faced agents and the ‘hidden’ employer. Yu Shi (Harry)
Retention of immigrants: Are Regional Visa Schemes effective? Aude Bernard
4b. Childhood & Childbearing
Identifying typologies of residential mobility in childhood and associated factors: A prospective birth cohort study in New Zealand. Bingyu (Susie) Deng
Towards equitable access and outcomes for tamariki and whānau within early childhood ear and hearing services in South Auckland. Elizabeth Holt
Between existential fulfilment and economic constraints: Unpacking childbearing decision- making process. Edith Gray and Anna Reimondos
4c. Methodologies
Modelling internal migration for population projections. Jacques Poot
Sex-gap in cohort survival: The contribution of breast cancer. Vladimir Canudas-Romo and Wen Su
A population grid for New Zealand. Karl Majorhazi
Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) use in New Zealand. Sandra Baxendine
4d. Marriage & Health
Evolving patterns of union formation in Australia: Unravelling urban-rural differentials in marriage and cohabitation. Edith Gray and Anna Reimondos
The ties that bind? Marriage formation, consanguinity and war in Lebanon and Palestine. Yara Jarallah
Incorporating duration dependence into health expectancy: Disability-free life expectancy over 60. Tianyu Shen
Spousal matching in a precarious world: Mobility and resilience in transnational marriage, evidence from China. Shenghan Cai
Critical Issues for Population in Aotearoa: Special plenary session in loving memory of late Emeritus Professor Ian Pool, CNZM FRSNZ
Population data and statistics: Len Cook (Statistician, Government Statistician of NZ 1992-2000)
Ethnic inequities in population health: Elana Curtis (Associate Professor – Medical, Kupenga Hauora Māori, University of Auckland)
Migration & labour force: Jacques Poot (Emeritus Professor, Te Ngira Institute for Population Research)
Policy implications of an ageing population: Susan St John (Honorary Associate Professor, University of Auckland)
Fertility, families and households: Robert Didham (Research Associate, Te Ngira Institute for Population Research)
Chair: Tahu Kukutai (Co-Director of Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga and Professor of Demography at Te Ngira Institute for Population Research University of Waikato)
5a. Census 2023
Delivering the collection operation for the 2023 Census: The plan, the challenges and the things we learnt along the way. Tim McIntosh
What to expect from 2023 Census products and services. Jessie Payne
The 2023 Census rebasing project: Updating historic census address data. Dylan Paterson
New Zealand’s digital and dynamic Census. Flynn Owen
5b. Wellbeing
Strengthening ‘We- ness’: Embracing diversity in intercultural family dynamics. Young Han
Social connectedness and belonging: Understanding links with socio-economic indicators from the Quality of Life project. Ashleigh Prakash
The first 1,000 days: the role of maternal wellbeing in child development. Jaimie Monk
5c. Population Estimation
Update on the new method for family and household projections. Helen He
Estimating Māori population migration to account for COVID-19 border restrictions. Tieta Putri
Recovering seasonal patterns in international travel and migration. Yijia Qian
Future of population estimation. Lucianne Varn
5d. Housing
Dimensions of affordability and meanings of home: The experience of homemaking when dwellings are unaffordable. Bev James and Patrick Barrett
Lost points of intervention in a pathway to single adult homelessness in Hamilton, New Zealand. Carole McMinn
Population structures and housing Policy: The genesis of the housing crisis and the data needed to move forward. Kay Saville-Smith
Defining and measuring energy hardship in Aotearoa. Parvin Siva, Mike Hayward and Rosemary Goodyear
Download the full programme here to browse abstracts, and read more about the speakers here.
Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash