About the 2019 Conference

The NZ Population Conference was held at Te Papa in Wellington, on 20 and 21 June 2019.

The theme was: ‘Population change in Aotearoa New Zealand: people, places and well-being’.

Download the conference programme and booklet including all abstracts here.

Conference presentation slides have been archived here.

The inaugural PANZ Newell Prize and People’s Choice award for best poster was awarded to Moana Rarere.

The Stats NZ Jacoby Prize for best essay was awarded to Jesse Whitehead.

Check out our social media highlights, and Facebook photo album for the conference.


James Renwick has nearly four decades’ experience in weather and climate research. His main field is large-scale climate variability and climate change, including such things as El Niño and the impacts of climate variability and change on New Zealand and the Antarctic. James was a lead author for the last two Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and is a Convening Lead Author for the new 6th IPCC Assessment. He is a co-chair of the of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) CliC (Climate and Cryosphere) project, and was until recently the chair of the Royal Society of New Zealand Climate Expert Panel.
Dr Maggie Walter (PhD; FASS) is palawa descending from the pairrebenne people of North Eastern Tasmania and holds the dual roles of Professor of Sociology and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Aboriginal Research and Leadership at the University of Tasmania. The centre of Maggie’s intellectual passion are Indigenous statistics and data. She is a founding member of the Maiam nayri Wingara Indigenous Data Sovereignty Collective and has published extensively in the field including, Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitative Research Methodology (co-authored with C. Andersen 2013 Routledge) and is co-editor (with Karen Martin and Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews, Palgrave McMillan, 2017) of Indigenous Children Growing Up Strong an edited research collection, based on data from the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children.
Ian Cope is the former Census Director for the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS), and sits on the New Zealand 2018 Census quality assurance panel as an international Census expert. Among his other roles during his three decades with the ONS, he served as the Census operational lead, as well as Director of Population and Demography. He was responsible for the ONS ‘Beyond 2011’ Programme to investigate future options for census-type data collection, which led to the UK National Statistician’s recommendation in 2014 for an online 2021 census, plus greater use of administrative data in 2021, as a spring-board for the future.
Dr Ruth De Souza is the Academic Convenor of the Data, Systems and Society Research Network (DSSRN), and Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Informatics and Population Health Informatics at the University of Melbourne. A Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing, Ruth is particularly concerned with health inequities among refugee, migrant and Indigenous communities. She co-founded the Aotearoa Ethnic Network, and has been a key figure in New Zealand academic research and teaching on migrant maternity and nursing.
Dr Jaimie Veale is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Waikato. Her research specialty is in the inequities and unique issues transgender people face in their health and well-being. Her research focuses the social determinants of these health outcomes, including experiences of discrimination, stigma, harassment and barriers to accessing appropriate healthcare, as well as how social and community support and gender affirmation can reduce these effects. Dr Veale is on the Board of Directors of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and she is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Transgenderism.
Dr Haydn Read has nearly 30 years local and international management experience in public and private sector infrastructure portfolios. His interest lies within the myriad of operational challenges facing New Zealand, and the possibilities inherent with the new technologies, big data, cloud analytics and evidence-based investment decisions these enable. Haydn recently completed his doctorate at Victoria University’s School of Government, and is a remote scholar with The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) at the University of Ottawa in Canada – who provide infrastructure and financial advice to the Canadian government.
Keith Ng is a data journalist with the New Zealand Herald and has been telling data stories and producing data visualisations for the past decade. He’s a vocal advocate of improving numeracy and statistical knowledge in the newsroom, and of always reading the counting rules.